Engineering solutions Events Air bearings

IBS showcases Real Time Control Platform at Precision Fair 2023

4 minutes reading - published on November 24, 2023

Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth at the Precision Fair 2023 in Den Bosch, NL! It was great engaging with familiar faces and meeting new contacts, paving the way for future business relationships.

PB23-1 boothDEMO: Real Time Control Platform

This year, we showcased our new Real-Time Control Platform, a development platform that combines high-precision components such as a dovetail air stage, flat air bearings, piezo actuators and capacitive sensors. The real time control system with 5 kHz control frequency demonstrated live metrology powered nanometre precision, steering a 4DOF stage. Also integrated were our latest differential inductive sensor systems, used to track the rotational motion of our stage in A and B directions at bandwidths of 29KHz and 7nm resolution.  Reach out to our experts for further details.

PB23-2a Platform

PB23-2b Platform

PB23-2c Platform

DEMO: Air bearings for Rolling Roads

When testing (race) car aerodynamics in windtunnels, it is essential to simulate on-road conditions. High pressure air bearings in moving ground systems (rolling roads) avoid upward suction of the belt in areas of rapid air movement and guarantee zero friction between belt and bearing. The air film stabilizes and cools the belt and thus reduces the drive power needed for the moving ground system. We offer air bearing solutions in all sorts of industrial applications. 

PB23-1b boothVDMA

Theresa Spaan-Burke, a Dutch member of VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.), was invited by VDMA to co-present highlights from their study on the European semiconductor market and its implications for business climates. This was part of the Precision Fair 2023 lecture program on Day 1. Theresa discussed market developments in semiconductors, emphasizing their critical role in industrial products and how shifts in geography and geopolitics impact their stability. The VDMA study highlighted opportunities and challenges for the mechanical engineering sector.

PB23-4 Theresa VDMA

Bossche Bollen

To add  an extra allure to our stand we offered an authentic Den Bosch delight to our visitors: Bossche Bollen! 

PB23-5 Bossche Bollen

Hilarious Science Contest

On Day two we welcomed the students of TU Delft and TU Twente who arrived at the Precision Fair by bus. We co-sponsored the TU Twente bus and organized the Hilarious Science Quiz, providing onboard entertainment for the students from W.S.G. Isaac Newton (TU Twente) during their journey to the Precision Fair.

PB23-6a Noble prizeAnd if there is a quiz, there ought to be prizes! The students had the opportunity to win an actual Noble Prize. 

We congratulate the winners of the quiz:  
Alex and Nils & Viktor, we hope you enjoy your ‘Noble prize’.
Aran, Teun and Jurian, we're certain the toolset will prove useful.

PB23-6b Winner PB23-6c Winners

Stay in contact

If you have further inquiries or in case you want more information about our products, please feel free to contact us at:

We look forward to seeing you again at the Precision Show 2024!

PB23-1c booth


Picture of IBS Precision Engineering
published November 24, 2023

IBS Precision Engineering