
CERN Accelerator School organised company visits to IBS

Written by IBS Precision Engineering | Jun 24, 2024 12:47:15 PM

It was a pleasure to host the participants of the CERN Accelerator School for two days at our headquarters in Eindhoven. It was exciting to meet this diverse group of engineers and applied physicists, eager to learn about our contributions to CERN and explore our latest technologies, machines, systems, and components.

After a warm welcome, we introduced the participants to our engineering capabilities, particularly the eight ALICIA machines we made for CERN.

A tour through IBS highlighted our precision engineering and measurement competences, including our ARINNA (in-line interferometer) and our machine qualification systems.

Additionally, we showcased our extensive air bearing portfolio and the numerous benefits they offer.

The participants had the opportunity to ‘touch and feel’ our non-contact porous media air bearings in action, moving silently, without friction, and sustaining a heavy load capacity.

We extend our thanks to Jan Visser (NIKHEF) for organizing the company visits and for the opportunity to be part of the course and we thank the participants for their interest and engagement!

More on the CERN Accelerator School:

In collaboration with NIKHEF (the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics), the CERN Accelerator School organized a topical course on Mechanical & Materials Engineering for Particle Accelerators and Detectors from 2-15 June 2024.

This two-week comprehensive lecture program covered a wide range of mechanical engineering and material science topics, complemented by talks on applications in the field of accelerators. Additionally, the course included various hands-on experiments where participants engaged in practical work, as well as visits to professional companies with specific expertise in the area.