LOPEC – short for Large-area, Organic and Printed Electronics Convention – is the leading international platform in the field of printed electronics. The ...
In February, we were delighted to welcome members of the board of the VDMA sector for Electronics, Micro and New Energy Production Technologies (EMINT) at our ...
We like to thank all visitors for visiting our booth during the Precisiebeurs 2021. We were excited to be back and happy to see you in person.
When your systems are part of a prestigious project, you follow the developments closely. Especially if the total project is immensely complex, takes years to ...
Mechanical engineering students from Fontys Hogeschool in Eindhoven were asked to redesign optical mounts that are part of the optical measuring system ARINNA. ...
To accommodate a growing number of projects requiring cleanroom and high temperature control, we are proud to announce the completion of the newest ISO 5 ...
IBS Precision Engineering führte eine dreitägige Schulung unserer Systeme Position Inspector, Rotary Inspector und Rotary Analyzer bei der polnischen Firma HTM ...
4PICO specializes in equipment and services around solid state UV light sources. Whether it is direct laser writing in the nanometer range with their ...