Need help selecting the right type of air bearings?

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Air bearings

Our team can help you achieve the next level of precision with:

Expert advice

Our engineers can guide you on the right component for your application.

Performance data

Air bearings are tested by our expert measurement team.

Ultra precision design services

Solutions designed for your application.

Challenging specifications

Whether your challenge is precision, speed or environment, we can offer unmatched experience.

Our Spherical Air Bearings portfolio

Our Spherical Air Bearings are ideal for use in aerospace and defence applications and are able to support a sphere on a thin layer of air, providing all the benefits of frictionless motion.

These non-contact Air Bearings provide for infinite resolution, nanometer error motions, high speed, high stiffness, zero wear and smooth, silent operation without vibration. Further, no lubrication is required. The Porous Media technology distributes air pressure uniformly across the entire bearing surface through millions of sub-micron sized holes, while simultaneously restricting and damping the air flow. A vacuum pre-load can also be added. The result is a whole new level of accuracy and control.





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